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Kris' shared items

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Dear 1999

2010 is creeping up on us. It makes me think about the last 10 years and what's happened in my life personal and professionally. A few big music blog guys are writing a letter to the 1999 version of themselves and giving them advice. Here's what I would write to...well...me:
Dear 1999 Kris,
At approximately 8:00am someone will poison the coffee. Do NOT let ANYONE drink the coffee.
Future Kris
You are 14 years old. You're so naive it's hard to describe but don't worry, you'll go through enough to knock that out of your system. You're dream to be on the radio may come true, but you'll have to work harder than you ever thought you would. And once you get there you'll find out that it's not the answer to any of your problems. Not even one. Keep working hard. Never let anyone tell you you can't do something because you WILL prove them wrong.
You'll go to college at Berklee College of Music in Boston. Don't waste too much time on girls. You need to submerse yourselve in your community and network. You'll be better off that way. Practice more piano and don't give it up for 3 years after you're done your primary courses. Keep at it!
Remember that everything bad that happens will help you grow and strenthen your core. While at this point much of it hasn't worked itself out yet, the things that have have helped me grow tremendously. Keep a positive outlook and don't get too down when things take a speed bump.
Oh...and you'll be able to play guitar. Pretty cool huh? Now practice!
2009 Kris

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kris - great response man. I'll add you to the list on MW if it's cool with you.
